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What is Tantra 

Tantra has been one of the most neglected branches of Indian spiritual studies despite the considerable number of texts devoted to this practice, which dates back to the 5th-9th century AD.
Many people still consider tantra to be full of obscenities and unfit for people of good taste. It is also often accused of being a kind of black magic. However, in reality, tantra is one of the most important Indian traditions, representing the practical aspect of the Vedic tradition.
The religious attitude of the tantriks is fundamentally the same as that of the Vedic followers. It is believed that the tantra tradition is a part of the main Vedic tree. The more vigorous aspects of Vedic religion were continued and developed in the tantras. Generally tantriks worship either Goddess Shakti or Lord Shiva.

The Tantric Approach To Life

Tantra is different from other traditions because it takes the whole person, and his/her worldly desires into account. Other spiritual traditions ordinarily teach that desire for material pleasures and spiritual aspirations are mutually exclusive, setting the stage for an endless internal struggle. Although most people are drawn into spiritual beliefs and practices, they have a natural urge to fulfill their desires. With no way to reconcile these two impulses, they fall prey to guilt and self-condemnation or become hypocritical. Tantra offers an alternative path.
The tantric approach to life avoids this pitfall. Tantra itself means "to weave, to expand, and to spread", and according to tantric masters, the fabric of life can provide true and ever-lasting fulfillment only when all the threads are woven according to the pattern designated by nature. When we are born, life naturally forms itself around that pattern. But as we grow, our ignorance, desire, attachment, fear, and false images of others and ourselves tangle and tear the threads, disfiguring the fabric. Tantra "sadhana" or practice reweaves the fabric, and restores the original pattern. This path is systematic and comprehensive. The profound science and practices pertaining to hatha yoga, pranayama, mudras, rituals, kundalini yoga, nada yoga, mantra, mandala, visualization of dieties, alchemy, ayurveda, astrology, and hundreds of esoteric practices for generating worldly and spiritual prosperity blend perfectly in the tantric disciplines.
Tantra practitioners or Tantriks are known for their supernatural powers derived from their knowledge of Tantra and its devotional practice. Proper recitation of mantras help invoke the natural forces to produce the desired effect. "Tantrasadhana" or tantric meditation and worship helps one attain many supernatural powers. 

Shiva & Shakti

Tantric practices mainly aim at the illumination through the unification of polarities inherent in the world and one's self.

These opposites are symbolically subsumed as "Shiva" and "Shakti" or consciousness and energy, personified as male and female forces of nature. Shiva, the Destroyer, represents universal consciousness diffused throughout the galaxies, while Shakti, the Divine Mother, is the power swinging in a celestial dance, between energy and matter, giving birth to all creation, both tangible and transcendent.
Awakening the Latent 'Shakti' in Us
Long ago, tantric masters discovered that to be successful externally or internally we must first awaken our latent Kundalini power, for only those who are strong and blessed with great stamina reach the final destination. The key to success is the Shakti - the power of the soul, the power of divine force within. Although every individual possesses an infinite and indomitable Shakti (power), most of it remains dormant. Without this Shakti power, we can neither find spiritual illumination nor enjoy worldly life.

The Misuse of Tantric Powers

Unfortunately, a large number of tantric enthusiasts, in both the West and the East, mistakenly identify tantra as the yoga of sex, black magic, witchcraft, seduction, and an amalgam of techniques for influencing the minds of others. But Tantra is a spiritual path, it emphasizes on the purification of mind and heart, cultivating a spiritually illuminating philosophy of life .

Tantric massage therapy 


Tantric massage therapy is a sacred healing practice based on ancient techniques and wisdom, combined with therapeutic and bodywork methods of many traditions, and redefined for our age and time. It works with the life/sexual energy of the whole body, honouring the entire being, awakening the senses, releasing blocked energy and bringing greater joy, eroticism, sensitivity, expansion and aliveness to all the levels of your being.



Tantric Massage and What Is Tantra 

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